Company Profile会社概要

商 号 Company name 株式会社角利製作所 KAKURI WORKS LTD.
所在地 Location 〒955-0845 新潟県三条市西本成寺2-3-53 TEL.0256-35-1115 FAX.0256-35-1108 3-53 Nishihonjoji 2-chome, Sanjo City, Niigata Pref., 955-0845 JAPAN.
資本金 Capital 1000万円 JPY10,000,000.
創業年 Founded year 1946 年 A.D. 1946
法人設立日 Incorporation date 1972 年 1 月 21 日 January 21, 1972 A.D.
従業員数 employee number 8人 8 people



In 1946, we started as a wholesale company for carpentry tools and cutlery tools, and then established a manufacturing department with the aim of producing highly reliable products in-house.
In 1972, it became independent as KAKURI WORKS LTD.
Starting with carpentry tool sets for general users, we have expanded our range to include tools for professionals, and in recent years we have expanded our overseas sales to Europe and Asia.
We are striving to spread and develop the DIY culture with the belief that "good tools make good things".

1946年 A.D.1946 加藤重利商店 創業 KATO SHIGETOSHI SHOTEN Founded.
1953年 A.D.1953 角利産業株式会社 設立 KAKURI Corporation Established.
1972年 A.D.1972 株式会社角利製作所 設立 KAKURI WORKS Limited Established.